Paint@Home: “Granular Aquarelles with Sugar & Salt” (watercolor)

Februar 19Time:
18:30 — 20:30Address:
CHF 39.00 – CHF 109.00Language:
Deutsch & EnglischKünstler/Artist
PaintEvents in your Living Room!
Treat yourself to a creative time-out at home in your living room! In this live class, Janka will guide you step-by-step through “Granular” (watercolor with salt and sugar on paper). You will be in a video-call and can interact with Janka and the other participants. E.g. you can show your painting to her and ask for advice on specific parts.
New: A ticket to this class also gives you access to the recording of the session so you can catch up with it anytime (participants screens are removed from the recording).
Detailed Description ENGLISH:
In this online workshop, the artist Janka Stemmle shows how aquarelles can be used with the wet-on-wet technique to paint on paper in an abstract way using salt and sugar. Experimenting with the amount of water and the shapes and types of brushes plays a decisive role here. In addition, the surface can occasionally be sprinkled with paint.
Most importantly, the wet painted areas are sprinkled with quite an amount of salt or sugar, which both leave different beautiful sandy textures on the paper when dry formed by coincidence. Then all paintings have to first be dried with the hairdryer. Then the sugary texture will be painted with some white acrylic or watercolor to make it more visible. The sugar turns into a completely glazed tough consistency and the graininess stays as such and sticks onto the paper. The salty texture is scraped off with a knife revealing a grainy colored texture on the paper underneath. The uncovered structure depicts the process of salt absorbing the water.
All these experiments are first tried and learned on a small scale in the form of circles, which then look like planets. This will then be applied to two larger papers until the compositions become each coherent. Janka will explain this technique in a way that you will be able to create at least three of your own paintings on paper and, above all, be inspired during this playful process.
Detailed Description GERMAN:
An diesem Online Granular Workshop zeigt die Künstlerin Janka Stemmle wie mit Aquarellen in der Nass-in-Nass Technik auf Papier ganz verschieden abstrakt gemalt werden kann mit der Verwendung von Salz und Zucker.
Das Experimentieren mit der Menge von Wasser und den Formen und Arten von Pinseln spielt hier eine entscheidende Rolle. Zusätzlich kann die Oberfläche gelegentlich mit Farbe besprenkelt werden.
Vor allem werden die nassen bemalten Stellen mit einer deutlichen Menge an Salz oder Zucker bestreut, was nach dem Trocknen zu zwei unterschiedlichen wunderschönen sandigen Strukturen auf dem Papier führt, ganz vom Zufall geprägt. Danach werden alle Bilder zunächst mit dem Föhn getrocknet. Dann wird die zuckrige Struktur mit etwas weisser Acryl oder Wasserfarbe bemalt und sichtbarer gemacht. Der Zucker wird zu einer völlig glasierten körnigen Konsistenz und haftet auf dem Papier völlig fest. Die salzige Struktur wird mit einem Messer abgekratzt, wobei sich darunter eine farbige körnige Struktur auf dem Papier verbirgt. Die aufgedeckte Struktur stellt den Prozess der Wasseraufnahme des Salzes dar, welche sich auf dem Papier einprägt.
All diese Experimente werden zuerst im Kleinen in Form von Kreisen, welche dann wie Planeten wirken, versucht und erlernt. Daraufhin wird dies auf zwei grösseren Papieren angewendet, bis die Kompositionen stimmig werden. Janka wird diese Technik so erklären, dass Sie mindestens drei eigene Bilder auf Papier kreieren können und sich vor allem während diesem spielerischen Prozess inspirieren lassen können.
Good to know:
This painting is suitable for all levels – no prior painting experience is required. This class will be mainly in English but Janka can also switch to German whenever something is unclear.
Ticket Options
- Class only: You have all your own materials (see checklist below)
- Class + Watercolor Set: This set includes everything you need, also including our high quality Marie’s 24 color set that will last you for a long time to come. You need your own salt and sugar.
- Bundles: We offer various bundles, e.g. for 3 online classes, 3 online classes + a watercolor set, or unlimited classes.
Important: If you want to purchase a ticket for just this class (Option 1 or 2), please do so via the ticket selection above. If you would like to buy any of the bundles (Option 3), please buy the bundles first and then come back to this page to use one of your vouchers for this class!
The option that include materials need to be bought by Tuesday, 16th February, 2pm to be sure they definitely arrive in time. Free shipping.
Material Checklist (minimum)
You need to have at least the following at home for the class if you purchase “Class Only”.
The “Watercolor Set” includes the first three items on this list
- A4 watercolor paper (or similar format)
- Watercolors (we recommend at least a set with 10 colors)
- A small brush and a larger one (e.g. no.1/2 and no 4/5)
- Water and a cup
- Salt and Sugar (1/4 of a pack each)
- Hairdryer
- Optional (nice-to-have): white acrylic color
How it works
- Buy a ticket with or without a material package.
- 24 hours before the class we will send you an additional E-Mail with a link to our video-calling platform. We recommend that you use a laptop with google chrome as your web browser and that you test your connection ahead of time. We will be happy to support you if you have any issues but please contact us at the latest the day before if you have any technical questions.
- You have the option to turn off your video and sound if you prefer.