Calendar of Events
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0 events,
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1 event,
Guided Painting: Mystery in Bloom
Guided Painting: Mystery in Bloom
— Deutsch — Erlebe eine entspannende Auszeit in Zürich! Gönn dir eine kreative Auszeit und probier etwas Neues. Bei einem PaintEvent erstellst du mir der Unterstützung von lokalen Künstlern dein eigenes Kunstwerk, das du am Ende des Abends mit nach Hause nimmst. Im Vordergrund stehen Entspannung, die Freude am Malen und die Entfaltung deiner...
2 events,
Open Painting (Offenes Atelier)
Open Painting (Offenes Atelier)
Walk in and swing your brush! No tickets required. Decide yourself what you want to paint. This is aimed at people who want to paint independently. Although someone from our team is always present, these sessions are not guided. Important: You can always work with acrylic or watercolor at these sessions. The use of materials...
1 event,
Open Painting (Offenes Atelier)
Open Painting (Offenes Atelier)
Walk in and swing your brush! No tickets required. Decide yourself what you want to paint. This is aimed at people who want to paint independently. Although someone from our team is always present, these sessions are not guided. Important: You can always work with acrylic or watercolor at these sessions. The use of materials...
3 events,
Open Painting (Offenes Atelier)
Open Painting (Offenes Atelier)
Walk in and swing your brush! No tickets required. Decide yourself what you want to paint. This is aimed at people who want to paint independently. Although someone from our team is always present, these sessions are not guided. Important: You can always work with acrylic or watercolor at these sessions. The use of materials...
1 event,
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1 event,
2 events,
Guided Painting: No Drama Lama
Guided Painting: No Drama Lama
— Deutsch — Erlebe eine entspannende Auszeit in Zürich! Gönn dir eine kreative Auszeit und probier etwas Neues. Bei einem PaintEvent erstellst du mit der Unterstützung von lokalen Künstlern dein eigenes Kunstwerk, das du am Ende des Abends mit nach Hause nimmst. Im Vordergrund stehen Entspannung, die Freude am Malen und die Entfaltung deiner...
1 event,
Open Painting (Offenes Atelier)
Open Painting (Offenes Atelier)
Walk in and swing your brush! No tickets required. Decide yourself what you want to paint. This is aimed at people who want to paint independently. Although someone from our team is always present, these sessions are not guided. Important: You can always work with acrylic or watercolor at these sessions. The use of materials...
1 event,
Open Painting (Offenes Atelier)
Open Painting (Offenes Atelier)
Walk in and swing your brush! No tickets required. Decide yourself what you want to paint. This is aimed at people who want to paint independently. Although someone from our team is always present, these sessions are not guided. Important: You can always work with acrylic or watercolor at these sessions. The use of materials...
4 events,
1 event,
Resin-Table Workshop
Resin-Table Workshop
— Deutsch — Erstelle Dein ganz persönliches Möbelstück Wir freuen uns sehr, Euch diesen Workshop mit unserer Gastkünstlerin Anastasia Sakarai anbieten zu dürfen. In diesem Workshop gibt Anastasia ihre langjährige Erfahrung im Kunstharzgiessen an Euch weiter und leitet Euch an, wie ihr einen Beistelltisch veredelt und personalisiert. Ein Tisch, hochwertiger MasterCast Kunstharz, Pigmente und alles...
0 events,
0 events,
2 events,
Creativity Workshop Part III : Blending
Creativity Workshop Part III : Blending --- English --- Enjoy a Fun and Colorful Evening in Zurich! Creativity Workshop is a painting workshop series to introduce the basic techniques of Modern Abstract Painting. Abstract painting is a wonderful gateway for satisfying artistic expression. You can work with colors, dots, lines, shapes and textures and create a personal visual rhythm...
1 event,
2 events,
Open Painting (Offenes Atelier)
Open Painting (Offenes Atelier)
Walk in and swing your brush! No tickets required. Decide yourself what you want to paint. This is aimed at people who want to paint independently. Although someone from our team is always present, these sessions are not guided. Important: You can always work with acrylic or watercolor at these sessions. The use of materials...
2 events,
Open Painting (Offenes Atelier)
Open Painting (Offenes Atelier)
Walk in and swing your brush! No tickets required. Decide yourself what you want to paint. This is aimed at people who want to paint independently. Although someone from our team is always present, these sessions are not guided. Important: You can always work with acrylic or watercolor at these sessions. The use of materials...
1 event,
0 events,
2 events,
The Play of Light: Figure Workshop with Acrylic and Oil Pastel
The Play of Light: Figure Workshop with Acrylic and Oil Pastel
— Deutsch — Erlebe eine entspannende Auszeit in Zürich! Gönn dir eine kreative Auszeit und probier etwas Neues. Bei einem PaintEvent erstellst du mir der Unterstützung von lokalen Künstlern dein eigenes Kunstwerk, das du am Ende des Abends mit nach Hause nimmst. Im Vordergrund stehen Entspannung, die Freude am Malen und die Entfaltung deiner...
2 events,
Guided Painting: Lake of the Woods
Guided Painting: Lake of the Woods
— Deutsch — Erlebe eine entspannende Auszeit in Zürich! Gönn dir eine kreative Auszeit und probier etwas Neues. Bei einem PaintEvent erstellst du mit der Unterstützung von lokalen Künstlern dein eigenes Kunstwerk, das du am Ende des Abends mit nach Hause nimmst. Im Vordergrund stehen Entspannung, die Freude am Malen und die Entfaltung deiner...
2 events,
Open Painting (Offenes Atelier)
Open Painting (Offenes Atelier)
Walk in and swing your brush! No tickets required. Decide yourself what you want to paint. This is aimed at people who want to paint independently. Although someone from our team is always present, these sessions are not guided. Important: You can always work with acrylic or watercolor at these sessions. The use of materials...
2 events,
Open Painting (Offenes Atelier)
Open Painting (Offenes Atelier)
Walk in and swing your brush! No tickets required. Decide yourself what you want to paint. This is aimed at people who want to paint independently. Although someone from our team is always present, these sessions are not guided. Important: You can always work with acrylic or watercolor at these sessions. The use of materials...
3 events,
Open Painting (Offenes Atelier) (nur bis 12:30)
Open Painting (Offenes Atelier) (nur bis 12:30)
Walk in and swing your brush! No tickets required. Decide yourself what you want to paint. This is aimed at people who want to paint independently. Although someone from our team is always present, these sessions are not guided. Important: You can always work with acrylic or watercolor at these sessions. The use of materials...
1 event,
0 events,
1 event,
2 events,
Guided Painting: Flower Shop
Guided Painting: Flower Shop
— Deutsch — Erlebe eine entspannende Auszeit in Zürich! Gönn dir eine kreative Auszeit und probier etwas Neues. Bei einem PaintEvent erstellst du mir der Unterstützung von lokalen Künstlern dein eigenes Kunstwerk, das du am Ende des Abends mit nach Hause nimmst. Im Vordergrund stehen Entspannung, die Freude am Malen und die Entfaltung deiner Kreativität....
1 event,
Open Painting (Offenes Atelier)
Open Painting (Offenes Atelier)
Walk in and swing your brush! No tickets required. Decide yourself what you want to paint. This is aimed at people who want to paint independently. Although someone from our team is always present, these sessions are not guided. Important: You can always work with acrylic or watercolor at these sessions. The use of materials...
2 events,
Open Painting (Offenes Atelier)
Open Painting (Offenes Atelier)
Walk in and swing your brush! No tickets required. Decide yourself what you want to paint. This is aimed at people who want to paint independently. Although someone from our team is always present, these sessions are not guided. Important: You can always work with acrylic or watercolor at these sessions. The use of materials...
0 events,
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.