Paint Like Monet: Sunset Pond

February 7Time:
18:30 — 21:30Address:
CHF 65.00 – CHF 75.00Language:
English & SpanishEvent Category:
Acryl (Motif)Artist:
— English —
Enjoy a Creative and Relaxing PaintEvent in Zurich!
In our “Paint Like” Events, selected paintings are recreations of works by artists from various times. As usual, the event host will guide you step by step through the painting while you are free to choose another color or canvas size.
About the theme:
Claude Monet was the leader of the French Impressionist movement. Interested in painting in the open air and capturing natural light. Masterful as a colorist and as a painter of light and atmosphere, his work often achieved a remarkable degree of abstraction.
From 1883, Monet lived in Giverny, where he purchased a house and property and began a vast landscaping project which included lily ponds that would become the subjects of his best-known works. He began painting the water lilies, first in vertical views with a Japanese bridge as a central feature and later in the series of large-scale paintings that was to occupy him continuously for the next 20 years of his life.
Please note: Unlike our standard guided PaintEvents (mostly 2hrs), the instructions here are verbal. Rolando is happy to provide visual instructions (demonstration on a canvas) as well if needed.
• Level: Options for many levels provided. Artist Rolando Duartes will break down the painting process in small and comprehensive steps so it’s accessible and enjoyable for everyone. He will provide instructions individually, adapted to your needs.
• Canvas (50x40cm) and all Painting Materials Provided and Included in the Ticket Price
• Medium: Premium Acrylic colors by fleury-art.ch. Learn more about the paint here.
• You have always the option to pick other colours.
• Language of Instruction: English (and Spanish)
— Deutsch —
Erlebe eine kreative und entspannende Zeit in Zürich!
In unserer “Paint Like” Serie malen wir Bilder von anderen Künstlern nach. Wir reisen zusammen in die Welt deines Lieblingskünstlers!
Niveau: Optionen für viele Niveaus vorhanden. Künstler Rolando Duartes wird den Malprozess in kleine und verständliche Schritte aufteilen so dass es für alle zugänglich ist. Er wird jeden individuell betreuen. Bitte beachte, dass bei diesem Event die Instruktionen ausnahmsweise verbal sind. Visuelle Instruktionen (vormalen) können auf Anfrage gegeben werden.
• Eine Leinwand (50x40cm) und Alle Materialien werden von uns bereitgestellt und sind im Preis inbegriffen
• Material: Hochwertige Acrylfarbe von fleury-art.ch. Erfahre mehr über die Farben hier.
• Gerne kannst du aber wie immer auch andere Farben wählen.
• Gerne kannst Du immer andere Farbtöne und eine andere Leinwandgrösse beziehen (rund, rechteckig, grösser, kleiner usw.)
• Das Event wird auf Englisch geleitet. Rolando spricht auch Spanisch.