About PaintEvents

For more information about PaintEvents please also check out our company portrait in German. Below you find a little personal note from Song about how PaintEvents was started.

How PaintEvents.ch Got Started

In early 2016, my yoga teacher training led me (Song) to Montréal. Searching online for things to do, I came across painting activities taking place in bars and restaurants. „Wow…“ I thought. Even though I have always loved drawing and painting, I had seriously neglected this hobby during my years at university. So I got myself a ticket, went to the paint venue and made my first brush strokes in years. Back then I had no idea that half a year later, I would be organizing similar events back home in Zurich.

One paint night let to another until I became a painting addict. During my limited stay in Montréal, painting was finally back in my everyday life! In Zurich, I organized small paint get togethers with friends, including Annette. Realizing that this concept of “just for fun” paint events didn’t really exist here, the idea of PaintEvents.ch was born. In Montréal, everybody went to paint nights, first time painters and artists, mothers and daughters, couples, singles, men, women, old, young. So why shouldn’t people in Zurich enjoy this? Destiny was on my side when I talked about this idea with Christina, the owner of Planet Yoga. She supported our concept and gave me the chance to rent her studio. Voilà, the first event „Om&Paint“ took place on October 21st, 2016.

Why We Promote Painting

Painting is a fantastic way to slow down in today’s busy world. We spend so much of our time multi-tasking and staring at screens that a few hours dedicated to a single activity can be surprisingly refreshing and calming. When you paint, there is only your canvas and the people around you. It’s a fantastic way to lean back, relax and spend some quality time with your friends or by yourself.

When you’re painting, you’re simultaneously an actor and an observer. To be in the moment and do nothing but observing and painting can be a calming experience that directs your attention gently towards the canvas. You forget about everything else and quickly notice when your mind starts wandering. For some, this is a form of meditation.

Painting is also a simple and effective way of learning to let go. In our paint events, a fixed time frame is given. This makes it less likely that you stay with one step forever. Perfectionists are kindly encouraged to continue to move the next step as the time and instructions proceed, letting go of any possible dissatisfactions with their oeuvre.

Last but not least, we feel that painting is a very accessible, fun and social activity that connects you to an incredibly broad range of people. There is a painter in everyone and the world becomes more colorful with every brushstroke that’s made!

Who We Are

PaintEvents.ch core Team Annette, Martin, Song and Olivia.

PaintEvents was founded by Song, Nette and Martin with the support of some great artists and friends. In 2022 our long-term artist Olivia joined us as a partner. We are now collaborating with more than 10 other artists. Learn more about our current team here. We hope to meet you at one of our next events.

Spent a lovely evening with very nice people, and had a great first experience with painting with acrylics! The team at Planet Yoga were very supportive and gave lots of tips to help me make something that did not seem possible in the beginning :)

Roxana Jorza-Stoica

Excellent way to learn more about painting on canvas!

Isabella Maria Bordoni

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Resin-Table Workshop

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Guided Painting: Matterhorn

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